One of the most enjoyable moments during the nutrition counseling process is the wrap session, in which a client and I reflect back on where he or she was at the beginning and reflect on just how much transformation occurred during the time we spent together. Here, a glimpse into an interaction with someone who recently wrapped 3-months of nutrition counseling...
In the Words of a Client
Client: female
Age range: 20-30
Program: Body-Balance: 3-Month Program
What were the main goals you had at the beginning of the program?
My main goals at the beginning of this program were threefold: to find a healthier relationship with food, to change my tastes and habits without restricting myself, and to feel good about myself in my body.
Were you able to reach the goals you set?
I have definitely made progress on these goals. I think some of these goals were not possible to completely accomplish in three months, but I don’t think it would have been done in six months or a year either. However, I feel that I am on the right track, and now have the tools to begin changing the internal narratives. My tastes have definitely changed; I now crave more veggies and prefer to eat cleaner rather than eating a lot of junk food. I’m finding I really enjoy Italian and Mediterranean foods that incorporate more varied food groups rather than barbeque/American. I do still leave room for cake (and kale) though.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective do you feel the program was in helping you achieve your goals? I feel about an 8/10. I think I still have work to do, but without the program I would not have made nearly as much progress as I have.
How have the following changed:
Overall energy level— Increased!
Overall intake— Decreased slightly, and has become more mindful.
Relationship with food— Has improved. I catch myself when I feel like I need to finish something, or when I’m eating out of emotion. I’m craving food that fuels my body, but am also getting better on letting go of the guilt that I associated with certain foods. Moving back home after graduating college has brought back certain old habits that I am trying to work through as I redefine my boundaries at home.
Relationship with body— Is improving. When I finally gave myself permission to work out in ways that didn’t include running three miles, I found myself being much more consistent with exercising because it felt good, without being goal motivated (i.e to lose weight), and consequentially noticing how my body felt. I have since started to enjoy a brisk walk and hot yoga, which ground me in how good my body feels and how strong I am. I think I still will have to work on building a positive body image, but noticing how certain foods make me feel and having exercise that makes me feel good will eventually translate into being in a really good place with my body.
Any other health improvements (ex: sleep)— I meant to text you the other day about this – I just got home from a 11-day trip to Greece. I was dying to get back to my hot yoga, and finally went to my first class back and walked out feeling strong, centered, happy, and just good about myself. I was thinking about how much I love hot yoga, how good it makes me feel, and how it’s actually helped my anxiety and build a positive self-image.
What was your biggest overall success during this time?
Redefining my definition of exercise and shifting my taste buds.
What was the most challenging aspect to the program?
Shifting my body image and being patient with the process. I realized how much I crave instant gratification, and not seeing results as fast as I wanted to was really frustrating.
What made the biggest impact?
Having someone to keep me grounded, hear my concerns, and to assure me that I was doing better than I thought I was; just having someone show me that there is another way to live really opened my eyes!
Is there anything additional you would have liked to experience or glean from the program that was not covered?
Can’t think of anything right now.
Would you recommend the services offered through Health with Hope to others?
YES! Hope, you really helped me out, and I think you have a unique perspective that really resonates with all women, but especially young women around my age. You showed me that I can finally take that pressure off myself, and how to start loving myself where I’m at, not only once I’ve reached a certain goal. You’ve inspired me and have given me so many tools, and I am so grateful for my experience with you. Thank you for everything.
What would you tell others about this program?
Heath with Hope has helped me to redefine my definition of “healthy”. Before going through this program, I wasn’t really aware of my food intake, ate emotionally, and worked out because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to. I struggled with a poor relationship with my body, and was tired of not feeling good about myself. After working with Hope, I have become more mindful, and have a much clearer idea of what health looks and feels like to me. She helped me to see that it is always ok to save room for cake and kale, and that health is a lifelong journey. I am still working towards my goals, but I finally have the tools to take charge of my health and happiness around food. I would not feel as good as I do now without Hope, and I recommend her to anyone struggling with food on any level.
Age range: 20-30
Program: Body-Balance: 3-Month Program
What were the main goals you had at the beginning of the program?
My main goals at the beginning of this program were threefold: to find a healthier relationship with food, to change my tastes and habits without restricting myself, and to feel good about myself in my body.
Were you able to reach the goals you set?
I have definitely made progress on these goals. I think some of these goals were not possible to completely accomplish in three months, but I don’t think it would have been done in six months or a year either. However, I feel that I am on the right track, and now have the tools to begin changing the internal narratives. My tastes have definitely changed; I now crave more veggies and prefer to eat cleaner rather than eating a lot of junk food. I’m finding I really enjoy Italian and Mediterranean foods that incorporate more varied food groups rather than barbeque/American. I do still leave room for cake (and kale) though.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how effective do you feel the program was in helping you achieve your goals? I feel about an 8/10. I think I still have work to do, but without the program I would not have made nearly as much progress as I have.
How have the following changed:
Overall energy level— Increased!
Overall intake— Decreased slightly, and has become more mindful.
Relationship with food— Has improved. I catch myself when I feel like I need to finish something, or when I’m eating out of emotion. I’m craving food that fuels my body, but am also getting better on letting go of the guilt that I associated with certain foods. Moving back home after graduating college has brought back certain old habits that I am trying to work through as I redefine my boundaries at home.
Relationship with body— Is improving. When I finally gave myself permission to work out in ways that didn’t include running three miles, I found myself being much more consistent with exercising because it felt good, without being goal motivated (i.e to lose weight), and consequentially noticing how my body felt. I have since started to enjoy a brisk walk and hot yoga, which ground me in how good my body feels and how strong I am. I think I still will have to work on building a positive body image, but noticing how certain foods make me feel and having exercise that makes me feel good will eventually translate into being in a really good place with my body.
Any other health improvements (ex: sleep)— I meant to text you the other day about this – I just got home from a 11-day trip to Greece. I was dying to get back to my hot yoga, and finally went to my first class back and walked out feeling strong, centered, happy, and just good about myself. I was thinking about how much I love hot yoga, how good it makes me feel, and how it’s actually helped my anxiety and build a positive self-image.
What was your biggest overall success during this time?
Redefining my definition of exercise and shifting my taste buds.
What was the most challenging aspect to the program?
Shifting my body image and being patient with the process. I realized how much I crave instant gratification, and not seeing results as fast as I wanted to was really frustrating.
What made the biggest impact?
Having someone to keep me grounded, hear my concerns, and to assure me that I was doing better than I thought I was; just having someone show me that there is another way to live really opened my eyes!
Is there anything additional you would have liked to experience or glean from the program that was not covered?
Can’t think of anything right now.
Would you recommend the services offered through Health with Hope to others?
YES! Hope, you really helped me out, and I think you have a unique perspective that really resonates with all women, but especially young women around my age. You showed me that I can finally take that pressure off myself, and how to start loving myself where I’m at, not only once I’ve reached a certain goal. You’ve inspired me and have given me so many tools, and I am so grateful for my experience with you. Thank you for everything.
What would you tell others about this program?
Heath with Hope has helped me to redefine my definition of “healthy”. Before going through this program, I wasn’t really aware of my food intake, ate emotionally, and worked out because I felt like I had to, not because I wanted to. I struggled with a poor relationship with my body, and was tired of not feeling good about myself. After working with Hope, I have become more mindful, and have a much clearer idea of what health looks and feels like to me. She helped me to see that it is always ok to save room for cake and kale, and that health is a lifelong journey. I am still working towards my goals, but I finally have the tools to take charge of my health and happiness around food. I would not feel as good as I do now without Hope, and I recommend her to anyone struggling with food on any level.
As a dietitian, I join people from all walks of life who are in search of lots of different things: some want to lose weight, others want to gain. Some want more energy, better sleep, or to learn how to cook wholesome things and better manage stress. Some want to know it's possible to find freedom in food and not be slaves to it. Most come in search of gaining a better understanding of what eating well actually looks life, and it's safe to say that all want to improve their overall health.
It's frustrating to viciously cycle thru the on-again-off-again rollercoaster of diets to lose weight and get healthy. The truth is, diets don't work. For you to find your happiest, healthiest self, it's a process that requires lifestyle change. I would love to join your journey and show you how incredibly simple and life-giving the process can be! Reach out and connect about the HWH Nutrition Counseling Programs. When you're ready, my door is open...
It's frustrating to viciously cycle thru the on-again-off-again rollercoaster of diets to lose weight and get healthy. The truth is, diets don't work. For you to find your happiest, healthiest self, it's a process that requires lifestyle change. I would love to join your journey and show you how incredibly simple and life-giving the process can be! Reach out and connect about the HWH Nutrition Counseling Programs. When you're ready, my door is open...